Sex Files Sexual Matrix (2000)
Sexual Matrix
A professor designing a machine designed to meet the naughtiest fantasies. In order to perfect the discovery, he performed tests on various subjects, aided by his very appealing assistant.
Jason Schnuit
Mia Zottoli
Michelle von Flotow
Steve Curtis
Amber Newman
Regina Russell Banali
Sandy Wasko
Jarod Carey
Caroline Key Johnson
Johnny Quaid
Gina Ryder
T.J. Hart
Micah Bradshaw
Carlos Milani
Zoe Paul
Drake Tatum
Melissa Blanchard
Lisa Comshaw
Peter Diamond
Terrence Haslam
Ian Rodric
Alain Siritzky
Soo-Jin Yoon
Udo Blass
Udo Blass
Siobhan Carmody
Chris Larsen
Melissa Blanchard
Veronica Lorenz
Mateo Londono
Inga Uttensven
Hadara Jaget
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A horny professor decides to ask his students all about their sexual fantasies. Of course he does. So while they’re describing their wildest dreams, he plugs them into his matrix machine and it lets them live out their fantasies. It seems so real! Mia Zottoli shows up to assist the professor in his quest to know what turns the whole campus on.