Hard Car – Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1990)

Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere
A young woman watching accidentally killing an unknown in the offices of her lover. From now on she's on the run, chased by an SUV who seeks her after life. The woman is desperate to escape their fate and experienced a world of humiliation and fear. After being raped she takes her fate into their own hands - the hunted becomes the hunter.

Valentine Demy

David D'Ingeo

Carmen Di Pietro

Alessandro Freyberger

Domenico Fortunato

Cristina Rinaldi
Cesare Bianchini
Sergio Spina
Pasquale Fanetti
Massimo Giustini
Giovanni Amadei
Giovanni Amadei
Giovanni Amadei
Francesca Montani
Jay Horus
Enrico Crescenzi
Maria Rosa Messori
Fulvio Martinelli
Silvio Martinelli
Andrea Pecci
Mario Barboni
Dario Amadei
Alessio Carli
Giuseppina Reale
Delio Catini
Cesare Ippoliti
Riccardo Ferrero
Leonardo Balestrini
Luciano Di Carlo
Luciano Di Carlo
Marcella De Marchis
Sandro Dell'Orco
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This film revolves around a young woman (Valentine Demy) who is driven by her boyfriend to steal a disk with important information in the office and ends up being a witness to a murder. While driving on the road she is haunted by a mysterious red car and engages in many sexual adventures..