The Pig Keepers Daughter (1972)

The Pig Keeper's Daughter
Since Moonbeam Swiner is The Pigkeeper's Daughter, it's no surprise that her best friend in the whole wide world is a little piggy named Lord Hamilton. And that has her Ma worried. After all, Moonbeam has reached the ripe old age of 19 and she still ain't hitched yet. So when a traveling salesman from the big city arrives on the scene, Ma quickly out-cons the con-artist and Pa arranges a shotgun wedding.
Terry Gibson
Peggy Church
Gina Paluzzi
John Keith
Peter James

Bruce Kimball
Paul Stanley
Nick Armmans
Marvin March
Lord Hamilton
Tina Smith
Harry H. Novak
Bethel Buckalew
Ken Gibb
Richmond L. Aguilar
Richard Pitstick
James Andrien
Marlene Buckalew
Mark Buckalew
Robert Wilson
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Moonbeam Swyner, the pig keeper’s curvaceous daughter, is still waiting for her Prince Charming. Instead, she will have to make do with a travelling perfume and lingerie salesman. Could he be the One?
A lot of beautiful breasts here