The Lost Door (2008)

The Lost Door
Obsession, sex, and illusion are depicted in a series of parallel stories. The Lost Door opens while Kristina is being interrogated in a psychiatric hospital where she has been committed. Catherine, a young psychiatrist has been assigned by the court to discover what goes on in the deranged yet intriguing mind of this suspected murderer, haunted by ghosts and strange sexual situations. After a long confrontation, it's the mysterious Kristina who opens up the young psychiatrists mind to her own repressed desires.

Mikaela Fisher
Anna Bielska

Pierre Heitz
Richard Clement
Lena Strasser

Rémi Martin
Birgit Yew
Laurent Halimi
Isabelle Francesco
Aviva Manya
Elias Mokole
Annie Masseret
Remi Bohrt
Yannik Bahin
Beatrice Greffet
Lee Jin
Joseph Hamilton

Roy Stuart

Roy Stuart
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Obsession, sex, and illusion are dpicted in a series of parallel stories.
how come european movie makers can make movies that are actually a bit edgy , with something of a story line , while American movie makers churn out garbage that seems like everyone is the same as the last . I hope to find more like ” The Lost Door . “