Street of a Thousand Pleasures (1972)

Street of a Thousand Pleasures
In a Middle Eastern country, a traveling American saves the life of the local sheik. In gratitude, the sheik takes him to The Street of a Thouand Pleasures, where he can choose from any of hundreds (actually, 71) of nude and semi-nude women.

Uschi Digard

Joyce Mandel
Michelle Angelo

Adele Rein
Neola Graef

Maria Lease
John Tull
Cathy Crowfoot

Bambi Allen
Kathy Williams
Shari Mann
Lynn Harris
Tracy Handfuss
Casey Larrain

Antoinette Maynard
William Rotsler
Alice Friedland
Ron Darby

Suzanne Fields
William Rotsler
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Also known as: Arab Slave Market, Dreams, La rue aux mille plaisirs
Description: In a Middle Eastern country, a traveling American saves the life of the local sheik. In gratitude, the sheik takes him to The Street of a Thouand Pleasures, where he can choose from any of hundreds (actually, 71) of nude and semi-nude women.