Indecent Behavior II (1994)

Indecent Behavior II
Reporter Shoshona Reed is about to expose a number of people who have a lot to lose. Unfortunately, her cunning ways of getting stories by blackmailing people gets her killed...

Shannon Tweed

James Brolin

Chad McQueen
Cynthia Steele

Rochelle Swanson

Craig Stepp
Elizabeth Sandifer
Laura Rogers

Stephen Polk

Nikki Fritz

Marina Maximova
Mark Melnick
Marc Greenberg
Michel Rubini
Richard Goldberg
Carlo Gustaff
Lori Cobe
Christopher Taylor
Mike Snyder
Joyce James

Roger Nall
Helen Harwell
Charmian Espinoza
Phoebe Caulfield
Michael Cain
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Reporter Shoshona Reed is about to expose a number of people who have a lot to lose. Unfortunately, her cunning ways of getting stories by blackmailing people gets her killed. The murderer could be anyone including sex therapist Rebecca Mathis, obsessive convict Darrell Martine, and successful impotent businessman Tom Mueller. Who could be the evil cold blooded killer. Hmmm.