Emmanuelle In Space IV – Concealed Fantasy (1994)

Emmanuelle in Space 4: Concealed Fantasy
As Emmanuelle demonstrates the hidden joys of sexual fantasy to her intergalactic students, the alien's leader is torn between love and jealousy.

Krista Allen

Paul Michael Robinson
Tiendra Demian

Timothy Di Pri
Debra K. Beatty
Kimberly Rowe
Brad Nickell
Reginald Chevalier
David Armstrong

Lori Morrissey

Holly Hollywood

Daneen Boone
David Madell
Robert Drake
Hu Beaumont
Bill Rojas
Bill Klein
Brett Wagner
Kirtland Lesow
Jodi Verdu
Catherine Stuizynski
Mallory O'Shea
Jennifer Burton
Deena Casiano
David Y. Chan

Peg London
Tom Stern
Kevin Alber
Andrea V. Rossotto

Alain Siritzky

Daryl Haney

Emmanuelle Arsan
John Lewis
Brett Hedlund
Tami Mor
Maral Kalinian
Anita Cannella
Jeff Enden
Rina Ramon
Bess Hopper
Jason Elliott
Tim Reidt
Robert W. Harbour
Lani Parente
John Michael Tillotson
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Haffron and Emmanuelle enjoy another tryst together while seeing the world. They partake in many global and sexual pleasures. Haffron has trouble being monogomous, while becoming very jealous of men that Emmanuelle finds attractive. Chapter 4 from the Emmanuelle in Space series.