2.5 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 5 2000sLesbianMonsterNewage EroticaUSA Planet of the Erotic Ape (2002) 82.6K115
3.5 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 4 2010sAsian EroticaExploitationJapanMonsterSupernaturalViolence Rape Zombie Lust of the Dead 5 (2014) 119.5K206
3.3 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 2010sAsian EroticaExploitationJapanMonsterSupernaturalViolence Rape Zombie Lust of the Dead 4 (2014) 78.5K146
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3.4 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 5 2010sAsian EroticaExploitationJapanMonsterSupernaturalViolence Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead 2 (2013) 93.5K299
3.3 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 4.5 2000sInterracialLesbianMonsterNewage EroticaUSA Mistress Frankenstein (2000) 64.9K75
Watch LaterAdded 3.3 2010sAsian EroticaJapanMonsterScience Fiction Giant Woman vs Big Octopus (2011) 86.8K110
3.7 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 4.2 2010sAsian EroticaExploitationJapanMonsterSupernaturalViolence Rape Zombie Lust of the Dead (2012) 244.7K627
3.3 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 2 2010sMonsterNewage EroticaSnuffUSAViolence Night of the Pumpkin (2010) 59.7K59
5.6 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 02:05:254.3 1970sCheatingClassic EroticaFranceMonsterSnuff Immoral Tales (1973) 191.1K430