Director Tatsumi Kumashiro 030800 Filmography FILMOGRAPHY 5.6 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 3 1970sAsian EroticaExploitationJapan The Woman with Red Hair (1979) 23.3K17 5.6 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 3.3 1980sAsian EroticaExploitationJapanSchool Pleasure Campus, Secret Games (1980) 48.8K45
5.6 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 3 1970sAsian EroticaExploitationJapan The Woman with Red Hair (1979) 23.3K17
5.6 / 10 Watch LaterAdded 3.3 1980sAsian EroticaExploitationJapanSchool Pleasure Campus, Secret Games (1980) 48.8K45