Black Candles (1982)

Black CandlesLos ritos sexuales del diablo
A young woman travels with her partner to England on the unexpected death of her brother. Staying with her sister-in-law, she finds her companion soon drawn into a satanic cult based in the house whose rites seem to centre somewhat on large-scale sexual congress.

Helga Liné

Vanessa Hidalgo
Mauro Ribera

Alfred Lucchetti

Carmen Carrión

Tito Valverde
José Luis Barceló
Julia Caballero
Anastasio de la Fuente
César Varona
Paola Matos
Manuel Gómez-Álvarez
Cam España

José Ramón Larraz

José Ramón Larraz
Juan Mariné
John Hanford
Jim Willcox
Nancy Roison
Harold Wallmann
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Also known as: Los ritos sexuales del diablo, Hot Fantasies, Naked Dreams
Description: A young woman travels with her partner to England after the unexpected death of her brother. Staying with her sister-in-law, she finds her companion soon drawn into a satanic cult based in the house whose rites seem to center somewhat on large-scale sexual congress.