The Secret Sex Lives of Romeo and Juliet (1969)

The Secret Sex Lives of Romeo and Juliet
An outrageously bawdy, sexed-up version of the world's most famous love story.
Harvey Shain
William Rotsler

Dee Lockwood
Wendell Swink

Mickey Jines
James Brand

Vincene Wallace

Karen Thomas
Jay Edwards
Pat Davis
Don Allman

Mia Coco

Victoria Bond
Steve Vincent

Antoinette Maynard

Dorthea Cristie
Jay Fineberg

Stuart Lancaster
Paul Austin
Bob Hunter
Jack King
Johnny Legend

William Shakespeare
Peter Perry Jr.
Peter Perry Jr.
Harry H. Novak
Tony Tierney
Earl Marshall
Jim Macher
Dwayne Avery
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Also known as: Juliet’s Desire, Amori segreti di Romeo e Giulietta
Description: An outrageously bawdy, sexed-up version of the world’s most famous love story! A crackpot cast of mostly busty redheads performs the immortal tale of two lovers who end up loving just about everyone amidst a non-stop barrage of dumb jokes, gleeful nudity, rambunctious sex scenes, whipping, whipped cream, Derrick the Horny Hunchback, and literature’s most famous line of dialogue, “Sock it to me!